Move for Change allows everyone who lives, works or studies in Brighton & Hove to earn BetterPoints for walking/wheeling, cycling and using public transport. Download the app via the buttons or QR code at the bottom of the page to join in and start earning rewards today!
Martina is a Clinical Researcher, who has just moved from Brighton City Centre out to Peacehaven, and has used BetterPoints to reduce her car use, increase her bus travel and get active whilst working at home.
“My partner and I have recently moved to Peacehaven. It’s been great, as it’s still in the city but also very close to nature. We’re able to get out into nature at the weekend, as it’s a nice change of pace from working from home. We’ve really enjoyed the undercliff walk and around the windmill at Rottingdeane.
The app helps with motivation to get out. You can see the notifications and progress which help, whereas other apps I’ve used passively do it. Since downloading the app, I’ve definitely changed how I plan my travel. The app makes you think twice, rather than just jumping in the car.I take the bus a lot more and have recently found a bus stop near mine I didn't know existed.A combination of the council extending the £2 fares, the bus being nicer and just as convenient as driving, and using the bus app to plan my trips with ease helps me to take the bus much more regularly.
Before, I was going regularly to fill up the car, but leaving it at home in favour of walking and the bus has been great cost-wise.Whether it’s a little 10-minute walk or a longer one which I’d previously have driven, mentally it makes me feel much more satisfied. Physically, when I exercise, my sleep and appetite are better.It's great to see that the council are investing in this for people. It’s also an investment in myself, as previously I may have had some self-care methods which weren’t quite as great, like sitting on the sofa and having a bit of chocolate.It’s helped me realise there are alternatives which are equally enjoyable.
We go to Harriet’s of Hove when we’re around the area, so maybe I’ll spend my BetterPoints there!”
Well done to Martina, who has won 5,000 BetterPoints by sharing their story. You could join her and 1000s of others Moving for Change in Brighton & Hove - download it via QR code below or the buttons when you scroll down.